Political Persecution of Our President

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 19:52:44 -0500
From: Ananya Rajan ( ABYSS719@aol.com )
To: Sloan@ishipress.com
Subject: Political Persecution of Our President
X-Rcpt-To: sloan@ishipress.com

Dear Mr. Sloan,

After deliberating as to whether to write to someone about the Starr Report garbage, I sat down tonight to give my two-bit about this whole nonsense. I am a mother of two children and I am appalled at how this whole thing is being broadcast. One cannot turn on the news any longer without hearing about Clinton's affair (which is his and Hillary's business). I don't want to know what happened between Lewinsky and Clinton, that is between them. Clinton did not rape her, nor was she under age. SHE CONSENTED TO IT !!!
Order Monica's Story
What is happening in this country is everything the United States does not stand for. The original paperwork did not stand for persecution, complete humiliation of a human being and the minute details of one's sex life being broadcast throughout the world!

What is the difference between what is happening to Bill Clinton than what Hitler did to the Jews? How can we as a country sit by and watch one man pull the whole government down based on what two adults did? What does Bill Clinton's affair have to do with the Welfare Reform or International Relations? All we are doing is embarrassing ourselves by allowing this to continue. Personally, as a taxpayer, I want this investigation to close its books and I never want to hear the word sex again! I'm tired of paying for something I have no business listening to (Clinton's sex life) .

As a taxpayer, what can I do to make my voice heard? Frankly, I think impeachment is ludicrous. How does Clinton's affair have anything to do with him running the country. If he was doing what Kenneth Starr is doing, wasting my money on a pornographic story, I'd be all for impeachment.

Anyway, if you have time, let me know what I can do to protest against this nonsense. I just don't feel right sitting by doing nothing.

Ananya Rajan


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