BGCOLOR, examples of background colors
BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" background="ishilogo.gif" text="FF0000"
I am using BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" as the background color, which is white, and TEXT="ff0000" as the color for the letters, which is red.
I am using the Ishi Press logo for the background.
Here are a few background colors:
Now I have changed the background to a picture of Anna for this table. End of Table |
BGCOLOR=#ffff00 light yellow |
BGCOLOR=#7f0000 darker red |
BGCOLOR=#00007f darker blue |
BGCOLOR=#007F00 darker green |
BGCOLOR=#7f7F7f darker gray |
You can also experiment and create your own colors. There are 16 million colors, which is 16x16x16x16x16x16 which equals 16,777,216.
Please note, this uses the numbering system to the base 16. Under this system
10 = A
11 = B
12 = C
13 = D
14 = E
15 = F
Thus, the biggest six-digit number in this system is FFFFFF, which is pure white.
The background color system is somewhat similar to the system printers use. Taking the three primary colors and adding darkness or lightness for contrast, it is possible to produce any color on the spectrum. The positions are in Hex value. The first two numbers in this stand for red. It will determine from 0-255 how much red is put in. The next two do the same for green. The third two use blue. The green is used in place of yellow, and produces an effect similar to but not identical to yellow. The reason each color can be expressed in the range of 0-255 is that 16x16 = 256. There are 256 possible numbers. 0 is the lowest number and 255 is the highest number.
To achieve many of the most popular colors, you would use:
Red - FF0000
Blue - 0000FF
Green - 00FF00
Yellow - FFFF00
Purple - FF00FF
Orange - FF8000
White - FFFFFF
Black - 000000
Gray - 808080
(Note- 00FFFF produces a light blue)
Your choice may vary, but best effects are received when using multiples of 32 or 64, which translate in hex to 20 and 40, respectively.
Should you want to lighten a color, add extra to all values. Should you wish to darken, remove from all values.
Here is a range of background colors:
Here are some common values:
black = 000000 blue = 0000ff
cyan = 00ffff darkGray = 404040
gray = 808080 green = 00ff00
lightGray = c0c0c0 magenta = ff00ff
orange = ffc800 pink = ffafaf
red = ff0000 white = ffffff yellow = ffff00
Sam Sloan
The 6x6x6 Browser-safe Color Cube
#000000 |
#000033 |
#000066 |
#000099 |
#0000cc |
#0000ff |
#003300 |
#003333 |
#003366 |
#003399 |
#0033cc |
#0033ff |
#006600 |
#006633 |
#006666 |
#006699 |
#0066cc |
#0066ff |
#009900 |
#009933 |
#009966 |
#009999 |
#0099cc |
#0099ff |
#00cc00 |
#00cc33 |
#00cc66 |
#00cc99 |
#00cccc |
#00ccff |
#00ff00 |
#00ff33 |
#00ff66 |
#00ff99 |
#00ffcc |
#00ffff |
#330000 |
#330033 |
#330066 |
#330099 |
#3300cc |
#3300ff |
#333300 |
#333333 |
#333366 |
#333399 |
#3333cc |
#3333ff |
#336600 |
#336633 |
#336666 |
#336699 |
#3366cc |
#3366ff |
#339900 |
#339933 |
#339966 |
#339999 |
#3399cc |
#3399ff |
#33cc00 |
#33cc33 |
#33cc66 |
#33cc99 |
#33cccc |
#33ccff |
#33ff00 |
#33ff33 |
#33ff66 |
#33ff99 |
#33ffcc |
#33ffff |
#660000 |
#660033 |
#660066 |
#660099 |
#6600cc |
#6600ff |
#663300 |
#663333 |
#663366 |
#663399 |
#6633cc |
#6633ff |
#666600 |
#666633 |
#666666 |
#666699 |
#6666cc |
#6666ff |
#669900 |
#669933 |
#669966 |
#669999 |
#6699cc |
#6699ff |
#66cc00 |
#66cc33 |
#66cc66 |
#66cc99 |
#66cccc |
#66ccff |
#66ff00 |
#66ff33 |
#66ff66 |
#66ff99 |
#66ffcc |
#66ffff |
#990000 |
#990033 |
#990066 |
#990099 |
#9900cc |
#9900ff |
#993300 |
#993333 |
#993366 |
#993399 |
#9933cc |
#9933ff |
#996600 |
#996633 |
#996666 |
#996699 |
#9966cc |
#9966ff |
#999900 |
#999933 |
#999966 |
#999999 |
#9999cc |
#9999ff |
#99cc00 |
#99cc33 |
#99cc66 |
#99cc99 |
#99cccc |
#99ccff |
#99ff00 |
#99ff33 |
#99ff66 |
#99ff99 |
#99ffcc |
#99ffff |
#cc0000 |
#cc0033 |
#cc0066 |
#cc0099 |
#cc00cc |
#cc00ff |
#cc3300 |
#cc3333 |
#cc3366 |
#cc3399 |
#cc33cc |
#cc33ff |
#cc6600 |
#cc6633 |
#cc6666 |
#cc6699 |
#cc66cc |
#cc66ff |
#cc9900 |
#cc9933 |
#cc9966 |
#cc9999 |
#cc99cc |
#cc99ff |
#cccc00 |
#cccc33 |
#cccc66 |
#cccc99 |
#cccccc |
#ccccff |
#ccff00 |
#ccff33 |
#ccff66 |
#ccff99 |
#ccffcc |
#ccffff |
#ff0000 |
#ff0033 |
#ff0066 |
#ff0099 |
#ff00cc |
#ff00ff |
#ff3300 |
#ff3333 |
#ff3366 |
#ff3399 |
#ff33cc |
#ff33ff |
#ff6600 |
#ff6633 |
#ff6666 |
#ff6699 |
#ff66cc |
#ff66ff |
#ff9900 |
#ff9933 |
#ff9966 |
#ff9999 |
#ff99cc |
#ff99ff |
#ffcc00 |
#ffcc33 |
#ffcc66 |
#ffcc99 |
#ffcccc |
#ffccff |
#ffff00 |
#ffff33 |
#ffff66 |
#ffff99 |
#ffffcc |
#ffffff |
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