"My Dear Friend
"As I cannot obtain an opportunity to talk to you as I would like I thought I would write to you and beseech you that as you value the salvation of your immortal soul you will not allow this communion season to pass and find you still out of the church. It is both your duty and your privilege to connect with the church of God. You know Jesus Christ says that he that confesseth me before men him I will also confess before my Father which is in heaven. But he that denieth me before men him I will deny before my Father which is in heaven."
"Dearest Samuel is it because you think you are not worthy that you do not connect with the church's. If so do not allow this to keep you back any longer for none of us are worthy of such great privileges as the church affords. It is only through all the sufficiency of Christ that any of us can come. Cast all of your sins near him for he is both able and willing to save you. Go to him in prayer and he will hear and answer you. He says "enter thy closet and when thou hast shut the door pray to thy Father in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret the same shall reward of you openly. "
"Do not think that I do not love you, for I love you most tenderly. You are my first and only love and my earnest and constant prayer to my heavenly Father is that we may be spared to be united and live useful lives preparing for that home in heaven which Christ has prepared for those who love him.
"Your Sincere Friend,
"Lizza T."
For another photo of Elizabeth Grace Thomson, see: My great grandmother, Elizabeth Grace Thomson, in 1864
For a photo of Samuel Thomson, see: Samuel Thomson
For a photo of my mother, see: Dr. Marjorie Jacobson
For more about my Scotch Ancestors, see: My Scottish Ancestors