March 28, 1997
Statements That Heaven's Gate Released Over the Years
From a note included with a videotape from the leader of the group:
y the time you read this, we suspect that the human bodies we were wearing have been found, and that a flurry of fragmented reports have begun to hit the wire services. For those who want to know the facts, the following statement has been issued. . . .
By the time you receive this, we'll be gone -- several dozen of us. We came from the Level Above Human in distant space and we have now exited the bodies that we were wearing for our earthly task, to return to the world from whence we came -- task completed. The distance space we refer to is what you literature would call the Kingdom of Heaven, or Kingdom of God."
Death in a Cult
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Heaven's Gate
From a statement on the videotape by the leader, identified as "Do.":
My older member can be your senior shepherd. You can follow us but you cannot stay here.
From "Overview of Present Mission by Jwnody -- a student, April 1996, in a book published on the group's Web site:
On September 25-26, 1995, from a secluded location, we issued a statement that went out -- 'on line' -- around the globe . . . on October 11, 1995, we posted a higher, more generic translation, entitled '95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate." The response was extremely animated and somewhat mixed. However, the loudest voices were those expressing ridicule, hostility, or both --so quick to judge that which they could not comprehend. This was the signal to use to begin our preparations to return 'home.' The weeds have taken over the garden and truly disturbed its usefulness beyond repair -- it is time for the civilization to be recycled -- 'spaded under.'
From "95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate," posted on the World Wide Web on Oct. 11, 1995, updated January 1997 in the book:We suspect that many of us arrived in staged spacecraft (UFO) crashes and many of our discarded bodies (genderless, not belonging to the human species), were retrieved by human authorities (government and military). . . .
Deposits containing souls (the seed or chip with a program of metamorphic possibilities) are placed in many human plants. This deposit is potentially the Ògift of life into the physical and real Evolutionary Level Above Human.
These deposits are given or made only when members of the Level Above Human are assigned to directly relate to (be incarnate in) the civilization. Only these Representatives can Ònurture those deposited souls with Next Level thinking, behavior, and all the information required to effectively Òfluff off all human/mammalian characteristics of the old creature. . . .
Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its system. They are, from the establishment's point of view, being irresponsible or anti-social -- and will be seen by the world as duped, crazy, a cult member, a drifter, a loner, a drop-out, a separatist, etc. . . .
Since this is the close of the Age, the battle in the Heavens with their servants on Earth will be the means of that closing and the spading under of the plants (including the humans) of this civilization. Weeds are now getting rid of weeds -- from gang wars to nations involved in ethnic cleansing.
This is simply a part of the natural recycling process which precedes a restoration period of the planet in preparation for another civilization's beginning.
From " '88 Update -- The UFO Two and Their Crew, a Brief Synopsis," Oct. 18. 1988, in the book:
In the early 1970s, two members of the Kingdom of Heaven (or what some might call two aliens from space) incarnated into two unsuspecting humans in Houston, a registered nurse and a college music professor who were in their forties.
The nurse and the professor hadn't previously known each other and had completely separate lives. The registered nurse was happily married with four children, worked in the nursery of a local hospital, and enjoyed a small astrology practice. The music professor, a divorcee who had lived with a male friend for some years, was contentedly involved in cultural and academic activities. . . .
About nine months after they first met, they left Houston because their lives, which were crumbling around them, made it impossible to concentrate on what was actually happening to them.
Most of their friends and associates thought the two of them had lost their minds or were being duped into a relationship by the other. . . .
Having left everything behind in Houston, giving it all away, they struck out in their last possession, a little sports car convertible. . . .
Their real or more in-depth awakening occurred over several months while camping on the Rogue River near Gold Beach, Oregon.
While there they came to believe that they were the Two Witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelations. . . .
Their Heavenly Father, or Older Member . . . helped them realize also that so-called flying saucers, or misappropriately labeled UFOs, were means of transportation and laboratories of the Kingdom of Heaven (clouds of light, wheels of fire), and that the occupants of these spacecrafts were for the most part members of the true Heavenly Kingdom. . . .
They now believe that in reality they were in the Kingdom of Heaven before entering these human bodies.
But because of the present awareness of their Next Level consciousness, they know that they are in that Kingdom now, though occupying human vehicles in order to do a task. In spite of their repeated effort to refute this explanation, all things continue to lead them to believe the following (Hold onto your hats!): They were briefed as a crew aboard a spacecraft about how they would incarnate into human vehicles in order to do a task. They left their Kingdom Òworld and came into this Òworld beginning in the late 1940s. They feel that some left their Next Level bodies via so-called UFO Òcrashes. However, they believe that the crashes were not accidental, as they appeared to be to the humans who witnessed the remains and recovered some of the bodies. These are now in the possession of governments (one of our Government's scientists coined the term ÒEBEÓ-- extraterrestrial biological entities -- to identify these beings, also frequently referred to as greys). Some left their bodies behind in cold storage, or the Next Level's wardrobe, for the duration of this task. Others were in Òspirit, having not yet earned Next Level bodies since having left the human kingdom. If this hypothesis is true, then the class members were not humans recruited by Ti and Do into some cult, but rather were members of the Next Level before ever meeting them. They knew prior to coming to Earth that two Older Members would take them through a lengthy (according to human time) observation-study time in this world in preparation for choosing and taking a human vehicle before actually entering it. That is to say, they were all in Òspirit from the late 1940s and possibly early 1950s until the mid-1970s before actually entering and taking charge of the human vehicles -- or the human bodies -- they are now in. The vehicles they chose generally ranged in age from early 20s to late 50s, some having more difficult genetic packages or programming in order to give more growth opportunity. . . .
From "Undercover 'Jesus' Surfaces Before Departure," posted on the World Wide Web on Sept. 25-26, 1995; updated in the book:
Since the Evolutionary Level Above Human has no mammalian or human members, they had to become 'new creatures' who bonded in mind, spirit, and behavior -- void of human sexuality, human binds, and addictions of their world and this civilization. Some in the class have chosen on their own to have their vehicles neutered in order to sustain a more genderless and objective consciousness. . .
As true today as it was 2000 years ago, no one (of this civilization) gets to my Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Me. There is no other Son of His, or Representative from His Kingdom, incarnate. Connecting with that Kingdom occurs only while a Member is incarnate, as I am today.
From "Exit Statement 1995-1996," in the book:
If we try to correct the vision of the Christians and talk their language, we're seen as a religious cult on an ego trip -- if we try to state our information in language more relevant to our actual situation, the masses see us as attempting to make the 'Trekkie' vernacular into a religion.
From "A Farewell Message to Those Who Remain Behind," By Drrody published on the group's Web site:
Those souls who have shown their commitment to the Next Level will be saved and replanted back here at a later season, or into an Earth-equivalent classroom to take up where they left off. . . .
We have just about completed our task here.
We feel that the time we have remaining is short. I cannot express how pleased I am to be returning home soon. It seems as if we have been here for a long time. Yet I know that from the Next Level perspective it's been about a half hour. I only hope that my performance and effort on this mission will be found pleasing to my Older Members and their Older Members. . . .
If you know you're ready to act upon this information, then I hope you will choose wisely and ask frequently for help from the Next Level on how to best proceed.
As long as we're here, we will try to assist you in whatever capacity we're shown is appropriate. Once we leave, then base your decisions using the criteria of the information we've left behind for you. You will be carefully watched after and nurtured in response to your asking and desire. Bear in mind, true growth comes in many forms -- often what you might least expect -- and always requires effort on your part. Maintaining an overview of the situation, along with a sense of humor, will greatly aid you in pushing through any test that comes your way. I wish you the best and hope to see you back home someday. April 8, 1996.
Following is the statement "Our Position Against Suicide" that was published on the Web site of the group Heaven's Gate:
We know that it is only while we are in these physical vehicles (bodies) that we can learn the lessons needed to complete our own individual transition, as well as to complete our task of offering the Kingdom of Heaven to this civilization one last time. We take good care of our vehicles so they can function well for us in this task, and we try to protect them from any harm.
We fully desire, expect, and look forward to boarding a spacecraft from the Next Level very soon (in our physical bodies). There is no doubt in our mind that our being 'picked up' is inevitable in the very near future. But what happens between now and then is the big question. We are keenly aware of several possibilities.
It could happen that before that spacecraft comes, one or more of us could lose our physical vehicles (bodies) due to 'recall,' accident, or at the hands of some irate individual. We do not anticipate this, but it is possible. Another possibility is that, because of the position we take in our information, we could find so much disfavor with the powers that control this world that there could be attempts to incarcerate us or to subject us to some sort of psychological or physical torture (such as occurred at both Ruby Ridge and Waco).
It has always been our way to examine all possibilities, and be mentally prepared for whatever may come our way. For example, consider what happened at Masada around 73 A.D. A devout Jewish sect, after holding out against a siege by the Romans, to the best of their ability, and seeing that the murder, rape, and torture of their community was inevitable, determined that it was permissible for them to evacuate their bodies by a more dignified, and less agonizing method. We have thoroughly discussed this topic (of willful exit of the body under such conditions), and have mentally prepared ourselves for this possibility (as can be seen in a few of our statements). However, this act certainly does not need serious consideration at this time, and hopefully will not in the future.
The true meaning of 'suicide' is to turn against the Next Level when it is being offered. In these last days, we are focused on two primary tasks: one -- of making a last attempt at telling the truth about how the Next Level may be entered (our last effort at offering to individuals of this civilization the way to avoid 'suicide'); and two -- taking advantage of the rare opportunity we have each day -- to work individually on our personal overcoming and change, in preparation for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
Copyright 1997 The New York Times Company