Barbara Chase-Riboud, World Class Bullshit Artist

Here is a link: Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson.

Order Now: The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson - Just Out.

UPDATE - I have had the following exchange of correspondence:

I call Riboud's work bullshit because Riboud did not do any research at all. She merely copied the conclusions from Fawn Brodie's book without reading even one other book on the subject.

Riboud is not American and she made mistakes which no American tenth grader would have made, such as saying that Thomas Jefferson's grandson served in the Virginia House of Burgesses, which in fact was a body under King George III.

Riboud is also a bullshitter for claiming that she did research which she obviously did not do. She sued Steven Spielberg for copying her work when in reality her "work" was what she had copied from others.

It is unfortunate that Riboud did not bother to read any standard textbook on the life of Jefferson. Had she done so, her own books on Jefferson would have been vastly improved.

Sam Sloan

At 11:22 AM 11/3/98 EST, wrote:

<< Thank you for your letter and for your complimentary remarks. >>

My remarks were anything but complimentary and we both know it. So your response is being taken by me as being a snide remark. In that case, I'm returning your response to my email about Jefferson to you as if Barbara Chase-Reboud had sent it to you for your unprofessional remarks about her work on your site. Now you are dismissed too.

You disrespect her work by calling it bullshit in big bold print but then when I come along and "correct" your work you seem to have a problem with it. I thought it was okay to do it because you did it.

Well, that is the point Sir. Jefferson, nor you, seem to be sensitive to other people. I consider that a huge character flaw and it is unprofessional. And that is exactly what Jefferson lacked: character. He could not live up to his own vision of humanism.

I am not some person looking for a fight. I didn't send the email for a fight. I sent it because your site blasted out at me with the words: "Slave children". And then the word "bullshit" in reference to Reboud. I felt it needed a comment.

I apologize if I came on too strong and seemingly insulted you. That was not my intent. I am sure you spent years on your work as Reboud did on hers. I read Reboud and I saw the movie made on Jefferson's life with Sally. Jefferson was, what he was. And what he was is very much up to interpretation. There is no one way to look at Jefferson.

Thank you for your attention.

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