Great News!! DNA Test Results prove that Sam Sloan is the real father of his daughter, Sandra


BRONX, NY 10453
GS Case/Test Set: 934245 / 694004
Customer Number: EAC0311752442

Race Description Specimen ID Specimen Collection

Mother: KIMURA, KAYO Asian 1558401 08/31/2005
Child: SLOAN, SANDRA KIMURA 1558402 08/31/2005
Alleged Father: SLOAN, SAMUEL H Unspecified 1558403 08/31/2005

Combined Paternity Index = 36,590 to 1
Probability of Paternity = 99.99%


The alleged father, SAMUEL H. SLOAN, cannot be excluded as the biological father of SANDRA KIMURA SLOAN. Based on the genetic testing results, the probability of paternity is 99.99% when compared to an untested random man of the North American population. (Prior Probability = 0.5) At least 99.99% of the North American population is excluded from the possibility of being the biological father of the child.

System Mother Child Alleged Father Paternity Index

D3S1358 15, 16 16 16 3.04
vWA 18, 19 17, 19 16, 17 1.85
FGA 23, 25 21, 23 21 5.65
D8S1179 13, 14 13, 14 10, 14 0.76
D21S11 30, 31 30, 32.2 31, 32.2 4.72
D18S51 14 13, 14 13, 18 3.97
D16S539 9, 10 9, 11 11 3.14
TH01 6 6,9.3 7,9.3 1.66
D2S1338 23, 26 23, 25 19, 25 4.17
D19S433 13.2, 15.2 13, 13.2 13 3.72

I certify that the foregoing testing was conducted in accordance with the standard protocol and the results contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Marco Scarpetta, Ph.D., Laboratory Director

Subscribed and sworn before me on September 06, 2005
In Ingram County, Michigan

Notary Public, State of Michigan
Commission County:________ Exp. ________

Accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks
2947 Eyde Parkway East Lansing, MI 48823 517-349-3890

Sam Sloan DNA Test Results
Sandra, Sam and Kayo Sloan Paternity DNA Test Results

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