GINA, Vixen Creations: Hi, I'm Gina.
MALIA, Vixen Creations: And I'm Malia.
GINA: This is Vixen Creations.
MALIA: And we make silicon sex toys.
GINA: That would be us.
McPHERSON: Sex toys. Let me try and think how to hit this one.
GINA: It's like a joystick.
(bursts out laughing) I'm sorry.
MALIA: This is the stimulator in our two color blue and white.
McPHERSON: These sex toys are designed to bring about an experience that may not be normal, may not be natural.
JANELL DAVIS, Good Vibrations: This is called the Pisces Pearl. It runs on batteries. And it has two different aspects. One part turns around and one part vibrates.
McPHERSON: We are misappropriating the use of your body and that will carry over into your relationship with people as you will put those expectations on humans that you have got from toys.
DAVIS: This one has two pieces that move. This is a Beaver that moves back and forth and that kinda actually sort of licks and then the shaft twists around as you can see, it has a lovely woman's face wearing a necklace. One of our very popular items.
McPHERSON: Any form of sex that is outside of the context the way that it was originally designed, for the man and his wife, the woman and her husband, is wrong.
O'DONNELL: You're gonna be pleasing each other and if he already
knows what pleases him and he can please himself then why am I in the picture?
McPHERSON: Jesus says, "If you lust in your heart after a woman, you've committed adultery with her." When someone is having sex with themself, in the process they are imagining things, lusting after things in their heart and really frustrating themself because they're never completely satisfied.
HUGH HEFNER, Editor & Founder, Playboy Magazine: I have believed from the very beginning that a man's reach should exceed his grasp. We are the only creatures on this planet that are able to dream and to fantasize and it is the dreams that keep us alive.
SEDLACK: The human mind is a funny thing. It can not tell the difference between what you're fantasizing about and reality. If you have fantasies going into the mind, it can't distinguish between what is real and what you're fantasizing about. What we tell you young people is that you do not have to be involved in sex.
GLORIA PARR, Executive Director, The S.A.L.T.: You can redirect your thoughts and that is not repression but self-control.
SEDLACK: There are a lot of activities that you should be involved
in. You should find out what interests you.
PARR: If what you're into is sexual then you need to choose something else.
SEDLACK: Does music interest you? Do computers interest you?
PARR: There are athletics I'm into. I can go rollerblading or ride a bike.
SEDLACK: Think about a new batting stance for baseball.
JULIE KELLEY, Volunteer Coordinator, The S.A.L.T.: You try to distract yourself. You try to find something else to do with that energy, with that urge, with that time.
SEDLACK: You're gonna get hit with sexual thoughts during the day. The only question is whether you allow them to stay and you dwell on them or whether you simply change the subject like changing the channel on a television set. You simply -- (gets cut off as the screen goes to static).