It has since developed that her friend was not a friend at all. It has recently been revealed Tripp was the original source of never-proven allegations about President George Bush's personal life. Tripp claimed that Bush had a mistress named Jennifer.
The reason the "Talking Points" memo is so important is that it suggests that Tripp lie. If President Clinton or a close Clinton adviser such as Vernon Jordan wrote the memo and gave it to Lewinsky, that would tend to prove Starr's theory that Clinton told Lewinsky to lie, which might make him guilty of obstruction of justice.
However, the problem which Ken Starr has run up against is that it has become apparent that Lewinsky wrote the talking points memo herself. Ken Starr now has in his possession Lewinsky’s home computer and it has been established that the talking points memo was originally composed on that computer.
![]() 1969 Police Mug Shot of Linda Tripp |
Since there is no evidence that Clinton did any such thing, Starr would like to show that perhaps Jordan came over to Lewinsky's apartment or called her on the telephone and told her what to type.
However, the question arises: Why would Clinton, Jordan or some other Clinton surrogate do this? Why have Lewinsky type the memo, when they could have their own secretaries type it?
What is now obvious is that Lewinsky herself wrote the memo and that she is the actual author. This explains why the proposed immunity deal between the lawyers for Lewinsky and Starr have never gone through and will never go through. If granted immunity, Lewinsky will tell the truth, which is that she herself wrote the talking points memo! This will give Lewinsky immunity from prosecution and will also not help Starr. That is why Starr wants to meet with Lewinsky before making a deal. He needs to know that Lewinsky will give the testimony that Starr wants to hear, which is that Clinton wrote or helped her write the memo.
Why should there be any doubt that Lewinsky wrote the memo? Lewinsky is a capable person. Her mother is a published author of books. Her father is a well known medical doctor. Lewinsky's actual job at the White House was to write letters for the President to sign. She was not hired to be the President’s consort. She had an actual job at the White House, which was to write memos! She is probably a more capable writer than the President or the President’s friend, Vernon Jordan.
Monica S. Lewinsky, a former White House intern who allegedly had a sexual relationship with President Clinton, is said to have given a copy of these "talking points" to Linda R. Tripp, who had worked with Lewinsky at the Pentagon and secretly tape-recorded their conversations. The document suggests that Tripp modify her testimony in the Paula Jones sexual misconduct case against the president. In his investigation of whether Clinton or others encouraged lying, a key question for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr is who produced the document.
Individuals mentioned by only one name in the three-page document are Kathleen E. Willey, a former White House aide who testified in the Jones case that Clinton made a pass at her in the Oval Office and whom Tripp observed soon afterward with her blouse untucked and lipstick smeared; Clinton's lawyer, Robert S. Bennett; and Tripp's original lawyer, Kirby Behre. In addition, JCOC stands for Joint Civilian Orientation Course, a Pentagon program to introduce civilians to the military.
![]() Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky when they were still friends |
Full Text:
Your first few paragraphs should be about yourself -- what you do now, what you did at the White House and for how many years you were there as a career person and as a political appointee.
You and Kathleen were friends. At around the time of her husband's death (The President has claimed it was after her husband died. Do you really want to contradict him?), she came to you after she allegedly came out of the oval and looked (however she looked), you don't recall her exact words, but she claimed at the time (whatever she claimed) and was very happy.
You did not see her go in or see her come out.
Talk about when you became out of touch with her and maybe why.
The next you heard of her was when a Newsweek reporter (I wouldn't name him specifically) showed up in your office saying she was naming you as someone who would corroborate that she was sexually harassed. You spoke with her that evening, etc., and she relayed to you a sequence of events that was very dissimilar from what you remembered happening. As a result of your conversation with her and subsequent reports that showed that she had tried to enlist the help of someone else in her lie that the President sexually harassed her, you now do not believe that what she claimed happened really happened. You now find it completely plausible that she herself smeared her lipstick, untucked her blouse, etc.
You never saw her go into the oval office, or come out of the oval office.
You are not sure you've been clear about whose side you're on. (Kirby has been saying you should look neutral; better for credibility but you aren't neutral. Neutral makes you look like you're on the other team since you are a political appointee)
It's important to you that they think you're a team player, after all, you are a political appointee. You believe that they think you're on the other side because you wouldn't meet with them.
You want to meet with Bennett. You are upset about the comment he made, but you'll take the high road and do what's in your best interest.
December 18th, you were in a better position to attend an all day or half-day deposition, but now you are into JCOC mode. Your livelihood is dependent on the success of this program. Therefore, you want to provide an affidavit laying out all of the facts in lieu of a deposition.
You want Bennett's people to see your affidavit before it's signed.
Your deposition should include enough information to satisfy their questioning.
By the way, remember how I said there was someone else that I knew about. Well, she turned out to be a huge liar. I found out she left the WH because she was stalking the P or something like that. Well, at least that gets me out of another scandal I know about.
The first few paragraphs should be about me -- what I do now, what I did at the White House and for how many years I was there as a career person and as a political appointee.
Kathleen and I were friends. At around the time of her husband's death, she came to me after she allegedly came out of the oval office and looked _____, I don't recall her exact words, but she claimed at the time ______ and was very happy.
I did not see her go in or see her come out.
Talk about when I became out of touch with her and maybe why.
The next time I heard of her was when a Newsweek reporter showed up in my office saying she was naming me as a someone who would corroborate that she was sexually harassed by the President. I spoke with her that evening, etc. and she relayed to me a sequence of events that was very dissimilar from what I remembered happening. As a result of my conversation with her and subsequent reports that showed she had tried to enlist the help of someone else in her lie that the President sexually harassed her, I now do not believe that what she claimed happened really happened. I now find it completely plausible that she herself smeared her lipstick, untucked her blouse, etc.
I never saw her go into the oval office, or come out of the oval office.
I have never observed the President behave inappropriately with anybody.