More Women Testify about Presidential Blowjobs
The day's first witness, Natalie Ungvari, was a classmate of Ms. Lewinsky's at Beverly Hills High School in California. She testified for several hours in the morning, but neither she nor her lawyer, Ralph Caccia, spoke to reporters as they left under heavy guard from courthouse patrol officers.

Marsha Scott, a deputy assistant to the president for personnel matters, testified for most of the afternoon and told reporters afterward she had not finished. She and her lawyer, Stuart Pierson, declined to discuss her testimony.
Meanwhile, inconsistencies in Kathleen Willey's account have emerged. Under oath, Mrs. Willey said she told only two friends about her encounter with the president, Julie Hiatt Steele and Linda Tripp.
Mrs. Steele released an affidavit on Wednesday saying that Mrs. Willey had not told her of any improper advance by the president and that Mrs. Willey had urged her to lie and falsely corroborate her story to Newsweek. (Mrs. Steele at one point in 1997 did confirm Mrs. Willey's account for Newsweek, but recanted before the article was published, according to her affidavit.)
Allow me to introduce you to two highly trained and professional givers of blow jobs, much better than the rank amateurs above. Their names are Daa and Lim.
Daa and Lim are sisters. The President deserves only the best.
Ken Starr has just indicted Julie Hiatt Steele for perjury. Starr claims that Steele lied when she testified that Kathleen Willey had asked her to lie.
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