Anna Bayfield, sister of my grandmother, Emily Bayfield
In spite of being an attractive woman, Anna Bayfield never married.
The census for January 9, 1920 states: Also residing in the household, Anna Bayfield, sister-in-law, female, white, 34, born Illinois, occupation, draper in a store.

The 1920 Census Report, which I found in the National Archives, shows on Vol. 97, E.D. 1719, Sheet 13, Line 24 that the Sloan family lived on 2052 Bingham Street in Chicago. Anna Bayfield also was a member of that household.
Anna Bayfield died in about 1936 at age 50.
Here are links: - The Sloan Irish Name
- Sloan - Jacobson Family Tree
- Sloan Brothers
- Leroy Bayfield Sloan
- My Grandparents, Howard Creighton and Emily Bayfield Sloan
- Leroy Bayfield Sloan, son of Howard and Emily Sloan
- Sewell-Clapp Manufacturing Co. Tenth annual dinner-Hotel Sherman-Feb.23 1911
- My Grandmother, Emily Bayfield Sloan, and my grandfather, Howard Creighton Sloan, holding my Paternal Uncles, Edward Sloan and Harold "Ham" Sloan in 1907
- My Seven Children
- John Sloan, the Famous Artist
- My Maternal Uncles (including an uncle who helped drop the A-bomb on Nagasaki)
- Rich and Famous Persons named Sam Sloan
- Alfred P. Sloan, Late Chairman of General Motors Corporation
- Mary Sloan, Titanic Survivor
- Letter which Mary Sloan wrote to her sister Maggie about the Titanic sinking.
- Sloan Jacobson Family Tree
- The Sloan Connection
- Notable people named Sloan
- Sloan Immigrants
- Sloan Geneaology - In Search of Sloans
- Sloan Coat of Arms and Surname Origin
- Order "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson" from Barnes and Noble
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