Map of Afghanistan
Map of Afghanistan
Here are links:
History of the War in Afghanistan
A Permanent Solution to the Afghanistan Problem
Sam's Plan to Divide Afghanistan has been approved
Photos of the Hazara of Central Afghanistan
My Escape from Jail in Afghanistan
Questions and Answers about My Escape from Jail in Afghanistan
Now that American forces are in Mazar-i-Sharif, they will naturally be interested in visiting the "khaima" there
Map to the House of Honzagool
New Photo of the House of Honzagool
Kabul Chess Club, where you can now play chess again
American Airlines Flight from JFK Airport has crashed into Rockaway Park
History of the Buddha statues in Bamyan
Afghan Taliban leader orders destruction of ancient statues
Maps of Afghanistan (many kinds of maps)
History of the Uyghurs and of Greater Turkestan
Syed Durali Shah
The Central Jail in Kabul
Leaving the Central Jail in Kabul
Interview with Osama bin Laden
Gunmen Kill Relative of Slain Afghan President Najibullah
Music Club of Pakistan
Nuristan: Hidden Land of the Hindu Kush
Richardson to Visit Afghanistan to Support Talks
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
FBI 10 Most Wanted List: Osama bin Laden
Map of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China and Tajikistan
Gunmen Kill Relative of Slain Afghan President Najibullah
Attack on Afghan bases leaves 28 dead - Arabs, Pakistanis among victims
President Swears to Use 'All Tools' Against Terrorism
Chronological History of Afghanistan
Afghana History
Afghana Soviet War
Who is Who of Afghanistan
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
My Home Page
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