Celebrate Golden Wedding
I sit here near Creston, Iowa, celebrating with Axel Jacobson and his mate, born a Cassel, a Golden Wedding Anniversary the 6th of January, in the circle of children, grandchildren and other relatives, among them a niece from Kisa, a missionary Mrs. Elizabeth Oberg and many friends.
The couple celebrating their golden anniversary received in their honor flowers and valuable gifts, most of them in gold. Many telegrams of good wishes were received and there were many speeches.
One friend from many years past remembers, among other things that the honored couple not only lived in a happy marriage for 50 years, but that they lived in the same place the entire time, where they won respect and love as well as an honored position in the community. Axel Jacobson was born in Follings in Kisa Parish on December 1, 1843. At the age of 24, he caught the outbreak of "America Fever" and left from Haggarp, Rumskulla Parish, where his parents lived at that time, to the big country in the West, where he arrived in the summer of 1867. After a short time of living in Andover, Illinois, and then Fairfield, Illinois, he left for Creston, Iowa where he bought land, started to till the land and build a house to begin his own homestead.
He married Carrie Cassel January 6, 1876. She was born in New Sweden, Iowa on August 14, 1851. She was the youngest daughter of the Methodist pastor, P. Cassel, who, with family arrived in America in 1845 and made his home in Jefferson County the same year in that part of the country which was later called New Sweden. He and his family were the first Swedish homesteaders in Iowa.
For more about Axel Jacobson and Carrie Cassel, see: My Swedish Ancestors.
For a photo of Jacob Axel Johansson, the father of Axel Jacobson, see: Jacob Axel Johansson .
For another photo of Carrie Cassel, see, My great grandmother, Carrie Cassel Jacobson .
A Family Member has provided the following transcription:
Fira guldbröllop.
Guldbröllopsparet fingo dagen till
On attached screendumps you can see those names.
I think the spelling in your article is FöllingasjEor FöllingesjE but on the attached and on a much never map it is FöllingsE Both is combined words, a phenomenon which is very, very, common in Swedish.
Looking at the map, "Fölingen" (meaning the Föling) is a lake, and "sjE in the end of FöllingasjEmeans just 'lake'.
Perhaps Föllinga(-)sjEwere the older name on that farm/estate, and Föllings(-)E (the island of Föllingen ) a newer one.
Here are links:
I sitt hem, nära Creston, Iowa, fira-
de Axel Jacobson och hans maka,
född Cassel, guldbröllop onsdagen
6 januari i kretsen af barn, barn-
barn och andra släktingar - däri-
bland en brorsdotter från Kisa, mis-
sionär mrs Elisabet Öberg - samt
många vänner.
ära mottaga blommor och värdefulla
presenter de flesta i guld. Många
lyckönskningstelegram anlände och
högtidstal höllos. En vän från __ år
tillbaka erinrade bl.a. om att de ju-
bilerande ej blott levat i ett lyckligt
äktenskap i 50 år utan och bott pE
samma plats hela tiden, hvarest de
tillvunnit sig allas aktning och kärlek
såväl som en framskjuten och god
Axel Jacobson föddes i FöllingasjE
Kisa socken, den 1_ december 1843.
Vid 24 års ålder angreps han av den
dEi Sverige just utbrutna "amerika-
febern" och afreste från Häggarp,
Rumskulla socken, där hans föräldrar
dEvoro hemma, till det stora landet
i västern, dit han anlände sommaren
1867. Efter att längre eller kortare
tid ha varit bosatt i Au______ Ill.,
___, ___, ________ Fairfield, begaf
han sig till Creston, Iowa där han köpte
land, började bryta mark och byggde
hus för att sätta eget bo.
Den 6 januari 1876 ingick han äk-
tenskap med Carrie Cassel, född i
New Sweden, Ia, den 14 augusti1862.
Hon var yngsta dotter till metodist-
pastor P. Cassel, hvilken med familj
anlände till Amerika redan 1845
och bosatte sig i Jefferson __, sam-
ma år, i det distrikt som sedemera
blef kallat New Sweden. Han och
hans familj voro de första svenska
nybyggarna i Iowa, skrifves till Sv.
Green= sure
Navy=50% sure
Fuchsia=not sure
Red=guessed, which seems to fit
___= unrecognised caracters and words
Concerning the names Häggarp and FöllingasjE I have done a painstaking research on historical maps, avaible online on http://www.lantmateriet.se
We are allowed combining together almost all kind of word as well in speaking as writing.
The Swedish caracter "E also is the word for an island.
Many names of places in Sweden have successively been simplified.
Following is specification on what map the dumps is from:
Information om vald generalstabskarta Bladnamn: Vimmerby Seriebeteckning: J2.4.3 Id: 36-1 Skala: 1:100000 Uppmätt år: 1879 Första utgivningsår: 1885 Bildnr: 1001320