Richard Reimer in the movie "Shogun"

Richard Reimer was a well known go personality and an American residing in Japan for more than 20 years. He died in August, 2000. SSN 565-78-2281

Richard Reimer played the Captain General in one of the earliest scenes of the movie "Shogun". Although the part was small and he was not credited, he spoke three lines and displayed considerable acting ability. I am surprised that his name was not listed in the credits.

In the movie, the Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, played by Richard Chamberlain, goes below deck to see the Captain General. The Captain General (Richard Reimer) is laying in his bunk, obviously very ill.

The Captain General says: "Where are we?"

Pilot-Major: "Still on Course."

Captain General: "You and your damn course. There is no Japan. "You'll kill us all."

Pilot-Major: "We'll get there. We'll make landfall."

Captain General "God's rot you pilots."

After this, the pilot goes back on deck. Soon thereafter, the ship is wrecked on the rocks. As nothing more is seen of the Captain General, it is presumed that he died in the ship wreck.

Sam Sloan

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