Decision on Appeal from ALJ Michelle Manzione

MAY-13-2002 00:38 TLC LEGAL 212 676 1102 P.05/07


40 Rector Street New York, Now York 10006

July 24, 2001

Samuel H. Sloan
24 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11217

RE: Respondent: Samuel H. Sloan
License/ID#: 5061483
Summons#(s): 164239P
Violation(s)., Rule 2-66B. 2-27A(2) and 2-27A(l)
Hearing Date: June 51, 2001
Adm. Law Judge: Manzione

Dear Mr. Sloan:

This is in response to the letter of appeal submitted with respect to the above-referenced case.

On December 11, 2000, at an inquest before an Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ"), you were found in violation of Rules 2-66B (failure to appear at the December 11, 2000 hearing), 2-27A(2), (hack license not in frame) and 2-27A(l) (missing trip record). The ALJ imposed respective penalties of $200, $50 and $30.

On June 5, 2001, upon review of your written motion to vacate, another ALJ denied the motion. The ALJ found that you failed to establish excusable neglect and a meritorious defense. You were found in violation of Rules 2-66B, 2-27A(2) and 2-27A(l). The ALJ imposed respective penalties of $200 plus 2 points, $50 plus 2 points and $30.

The findings of the AU are based on a determination of credibility and are supported by substantial evidence. Accordingly, the decision is affirmed.

Very truly yours,
Matthew W. Daus

By: Cathryn A. Cohen
Assistant Chief'Administiative Law Judge


UPDATE: This decision has been published in the New York Law Journal under Decisions of Interest". Here is the full text of the decision as published in the New York Law Journal.


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