I have filed a lawsuit against Truong, Polgar, USCF et al after it was proven that 2464 obscene posts impersonating me has been posted to the chess newsgroups. Here is the Mottershead Report proving this.
The case has been filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York at 500 Pearl Street, New York NY 10007.
The case number is 07 CIV 8537
The judge is Judge Denny Chin
The Magistrate Judge is Judge Frank Maas
The suit seeks to overturn the results of the 2007 USCF Election on the grounds of election fraud and to reinstate the directors who were thrown out in that election until a new election can be held. The complaint alleges that defendants Susan Polgar and Paul Truong impersonated Sam Sloan and sent out three thousand obscene and pornographic newsgroup postings during the election campaign in order to discredit Sloan and get themselves elected so as to take over the USCF Finances.
The papers and pleadings filed in the Southern District of New York can be downloaded at the following addresses: Summons in Sloan vs. Truong.
Unsigned Temporary Restraining Order.
New article about this case in Lubbock Avalanche-Journal in Lubbock Texas: Tech gets more response time in chess lawsuit by MARLENA HARTZ AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Here are some pleadings, newspaper articles and forums on the case:
Sam Sloan for Governor video on Google Videos.
Sloan defeats Shahade, Finishes Second in 1969 US Amateur Championship
The United States Chess Federation is moving to Crossville, but the NBC Nightly News has just broadcast that Crossville, Tennessee is the leading center for methamphetamine production and use in the USA. SEE THE NBC NEWS REPORT HERE. Hundreds of children have been taken from their parents in Crossville, Tennessee because of this.
The Sam Sloan TV Show is now broadcast every Monday at 3:30 PM on Channel 34 or 67 in Brooklyn. Internet Viewers can see this show by going to http://www.bcat.tv/bcat and clicking on Channel 1.
The Sam Sloan Show is now on the Air! It is broadcast every Monday afternoon at 3:30 PM on Brooklyn Community Access Television "BCAT" channels 34 and 67.
Thus far, I have made seven shows, two about the Crisis in Afganistan, two about Mario in Japan and three about chess.
The chess shows have been outrageously popular. Lesson Number two is online at http://www.ishipress.com/samchess2.asf. That show has been downloaded more than 800 times since it was posted last week.
Chess Lesson Three of the Sam Sloan TV Show will be broadcast on Monday, June 13, 2005 at 10:00 AM EDT on Time Warner Channel 34 and Cablevision Channel 67 in Brooklyn.
Less popular is the Mario Show, which is online at http://www.ishipress.com/mario.asf.
The Sam Sloan Show will be starting as a regular weekly show on the week of June 26. Exact dates and times to be announced.
NY Chess Kids Summer Camp 2004
Tim Taylor Article in Chess Life magazine: Vastly worse than even I could imagine!
In my suit against members of the Board of the United States Chess Federation, the Order to Show Cause signed by Judge Gabriel Krausman and the Affidavit upon which it was Granted have been posted in PDF format.
Sandra Kimura Sloan prepares for the World Under-4 Chess Championship.
Free at Last! Free at Last! Bobby Fischer is Free at Last!
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Somebody even wrote a eulogy to Sam Sloan Pore Sam is Daid.
Here is my latest petition regarding the United States Chess Federation and my proposed Order to Show Cause in HTML Format.
Here in PDF Format are my latest petition regarding the United States Chess Federation and my proposed Order to Show Cause.
In case anybody doubts the truth and accuracy of what you are about to read here, one of my frequent critics made the following statement:
"Sam Sloan is nearly always right; the trouble is that his insights are so deep, and so far ahead of the time, that they appear incredible to the educated layman. I myself have occasionally made the mistake of thinking that Sam Sloan had made an error. Invariably, sometimes a year or more later, I had to admit my mistake.
"Jurgen R."
This is a real quote. You can find it yourself by searching at Chess Politics Newsgroup.
Now, here is a Quiz based on real quotes about me or by me. I did not create this quiz, nor did any friend of mine.
I seem to be winning my court case against the United States Chess Federation. Here is my latest Glorious Victory
Hearing Tomorrow in Goshen Supreme Court at 9:00 AM
Is Beatriz Marinello having trouble because of the Patriot Act?
UPDATE: Important news: The Order has been signed by Judge Horowitz in Sloan vs. Marinello, 2004-7739.
They are posted at:
I have filed suit against the United States Chess Federation and five of its board members to stop the sale of the building and the move to Crossville, Tennessee. The title of the case is Sloan vs. Marinello. It is pending in Goshen, Orange County, New York. The judge is Hon. Lawrence Ivan Horowitz. It has two index numbers: 2004-7635 and 2004-7739 . Here are the documents I have filed in court, in both HTML format and PDF format:
Joe Tamargo, famous master of both chess and go, is seriously ill.
Gata Kamsky to run for President of FIDE !!!!
Sam Sloan and Family make ChessBase Magazine
A "Pump-and-Dump" Fraud from Brain Games by David Levy
Raymond Keene responds Re: A "Pump-and-Dump" Fraud from Brain Games, by David Levy
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Peter Aravena Sloan, Travelling Chess Master
Jim Eade's hit letter attacking Sam Sloan
My Son posts sensational news about Gata Kamsky
Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave
Sam Sloan's Candidate's Statement for the July Chess Life.
Was Kirsan Ilyumzhinov the go-between from Boris Putin to Saddam Hussein?
A Better Way to Bring the USA a Gold Medal in Chess
US Woman's Chess Olympic Team formed
Dr. Lim Kok An has died - Ruled the World Chess Federation with an Iron Fist.
US Chess Championship ties broken.
Garry Kasparov is playing a computer in New York in the match of Man vs. Machine World Chess Championship.
Here is:
Files reveal how FBI hounded chess king
Research on Pochontas and the Pillsbury Doughboy Provide Answers to Chess Politics Questions.
Big News: Russian newspaper predicts Kirsan Ilyumzhinov will be defeated for re-election in Kalmykia.
My son Peter is a chess master and a talented artist
On October 23, the USCF passed an important resolution on Drug Testing by FIDE.
USCF Statement on the Anti-Drug Testing Petition of GM Larry Evans
Answer from FIDE Executive Director to questions about drug testing
Yasser Seirawan replies to John Fernandez
In November, 2002 an election will be held for President of the World Chess Federation ("FIDE"). Here are photos of the candidates.
FIDE Throws Down the Gauntlet, part 2
Shamema Chess News from Abu Dhabi
Yasser Seirawan asks the USCF Executive Board to overhaul its relations with FIDE
Chess Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld has died
Should the USCF be censured by FIDE for Expelling Bobby Fischer?
World Chess Olympiad in Bled will have FIDE Drug Testing
How I lost 40 rating points, without playing very badly
The Laura Ross, Igor Khmelnitsky, Olga Sagalchik incident cannot be swept under the rug
Mike Goodall's complaint about the OMOV vote
USCF President John McCrary responds Re: USCF Plans to expunge the name "Bobby Fischer" from chess
A Story of a Game without a Story, Soltis-Tamargo, 1976
Igor Khmelnitsky should be censured and Olga Sagalchik should be kicked out of the US Championship
Black Oscars awarded by Dimitrije Bjelica
Alekhine Controversy - Articles written by the World Chess Champion in 1941
Here is the story of the game Sloan-Browne, Santa Monica, 1967
USCF Plans to Expunge the name "Bobby Fischer" from Chess
Steve Doyle: Turn Coat and Traitor to America!
Yasser Seirawan responds to Jim Eade Hate Mail.
Peter Wilson, delegate from Guernsey, comments on the forthcoming FIDE Election
Winners of the 2002 Chess Oscars
FIDE Drug Testing Regulations.
What was Kenneth Harkness real name?
Does the University of Pittsburgh chess archives web still accept uploads?
What is the difference between Klem and Klum?
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov holds Sandra Kimura Sloan.
Roza Eynullayeva, Sensational New Star at the US Open.
Kerry Lawless Calgames Chess Site
Grandmaster Lombardy endorses Sam Sloan for USCF Executive Board.
My Proposed Solution to the Life Members Problem.
A picture of my son, Peter Aravena Sloan, has been published on the New York Masters website.
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Tim Just USCF Rulebook Contract
Cover Letter from Tim Just to George De Feis
The Smoking Gun: Proof that Redman conspired to give political ally a copyright on the laws of chess
The Lid is Blown Off in the USCF Rulebook Controversy
Should delegates to FIDE be required to report any gifts and "prizes" received from FIDE officials?
I have been temporarily blocked from sending my candidate mailings.
Another thrilling experience for Sam Sloan.
The One Chess Tournament I Directed
Katharine Pelletier, new chess prodigy
Candidate's Statement for Chess Life by Sam Sloan (110 words).
Alexei Shirov's letter to The Week in Chess
Bobby Fischer's Scoresheet from 1970 Siegen Olympiad.
Woman's World Champion defeats World Chess Champion in a match.
Time Magazine Article on FIDE Chess
Sloan draws IM Bonin in Marshall Sunday Night Quick Chess
Does Checkmate Really End the Game?: Here is a news clipping about Sam Sloan, age 11, from the 1956 Richmond News Leader.
Chess Grandmaster Edmar Mednis has died.
Linares threatens million dollar lawsuit against Ponomariov
New Bobby Fischer Radio Interview, January 27, 2002.
Bobby Fischer's Statements have been Misrepresented.
FIDE wages WAR on Wijk aan Zee.
Keene accuses Levy of The Great Train Robbery.
Levy Finally Admits to Masterminding the Great Train Robbery.
Ruslan Ponomariov is the new World Chess Champion.
The Unknown Girl Chessplayer is Unmasked!
Americans Win US Chess Championship
Jennifer Shahade Fabulous Result in US Chess Championship
Frank Niro is the new Executive Director of the United States Chess Federation.
Steve Brandwein, Professional Chess Hustler
The United States Chess Championship begins in spite of a Protest to the Executive Board of the United States Chess Federation
Why Kramnik Can't Get No Respect as World Chess Champion.
Alexandra Kosteniuk is the new Anna Kournikova of chess.
Rusudan Goletiani has not been treated fairly.
My son Peter Julius Aravena Sloan is a 23 year old practicing artist and designer.
My friend Zhu Chen is the new Woman's World Chess Champion.
Zhu Chen defeats Alexandra Kosteniuk for Woman's World Chess Championship.
While I was in Jalalabad Prison in 1978, I invented a chess opening which has become known as The Jalalabad Defense.
Son of Famous Chess Master dies in Combat in Afghanistan
John W. Collins, chess master, teacher and author, has died
Zeliakov - Furdzik scandal at the FIDE World Chess Championship
Don't forget, I play chess too! Here is: Another Glorious Victory for 1. g4
Now that it is legal to play chess in Afghanistan again, you will naturally want to visit the Kabul Chess Club
Sam Sloan for Executive Director of the United States Chess Federation
George DeFeis appears on TV Talk Shows.
United States Chess Federation: Unofficial Minutes of the 2001 Delegates Meeting
Estimated 30,000 Dead in World Trade Center Attack.
It Was Supposed to have been a Pleasant Sunday Afternoon in Bryant Park.
GM Salov complains that Games Parlor has bounced a check on him.
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Harold Dondis, High Powered Corporate Lawyer
Edward Winter Attacks Sam Sloan in Chess Life magazine.
Here is the Exchange of words between Edward Winter and GM Larry Evans.
Chess Grandmaster Rusudan Goletiani has been approved for a green card
Report on DoubleClick annual stockholder's meeting
Drug-Testing: New Additions to USCF Catalog!
Response by Tim Redman regarding Ethics Complaint
Are these Floozies at the Bar or Chess Grandmasters?
Tim Redman accuses Sam Sloan of Sexual Harassment
Karen Birkedahl at the US Amateur Team Championship East
Danny Rohde has other Priorities
And Now a Word From Our Sponsor: For the first time, I have received enough money from a sponsor to put a banner on my home page. So, here it is:
Here are some great new photos (more to come):
The Most Beautiful Girl I ever played a Chess game against.
Ever wonder Why does Sam like the Republic of Georgia so much? This should explain it.
My Krush is better than Your Krush
Willy Iclicki, Chairman, FIDE World Championship Cycle Committee
Mikko Markkula, Chairman of FIDE Qualifications Commission
Egot Ditt, President of German Chess Federation, who entered protest against new time control
USCF Balance Sheet for Fiscal 1999
USCF Executive Board Cancels the BINFO System
Petition to Recall Members of the Executive Board of the United States Chess Federation
Tom Dorsch compliments My Book
CPA Questions the Claim that USCF lost a lot of money under Schultz
Zonal tournaments abolished in World Chess Championship cycle
First Fiddle: USCF Executive Board modifies Fiddle Points Plan
Was Jim Eade drunk in Istanbul?
Elo's Book: The Rating of Chess Players
Definitive Work on Chess History in Progress!
Garry Kasparov Quiz: Do you have what it takes to play like him?
Letter from Mikko Markkula, Chairman FIDE Qualifications Commission
Letters to the Editor in March Chess Life
Redman tricked the Board into approving his Fiddle Points Plan.
Joy Sutton a/k/a "The Shuttle", what ever happened to her?
Anand wins World Chess Championship (in my personal opinion)
Reports of Checks from New Delhi World Chess Championship bouncing.
Xu Yuhua, Zhu Chen and Xie Jun win World Woman's Chess Olympiad
Is it Time to Recall the USCF Executive Board?
Omuku Clarifies new FIDE Time Control Regulations
Should new Scholastic Players get chess ratings?
Jason Rebello cover story in Chess Life
Redman fails to address any of the charges made in the recall petition
Mayor Lindsay, I knew him well.
Rusudan Goletiani forced by US Immigration Service to forfeit her match for World Chess Championship
Drug Testing of Chess Players?
FIDE Medical Commission on Dope Testing of Chess Players
Alexandra Kosteniuk - youngest grandmaster in the World !
I am now in Istanbul, where the World Chess Olympiad is taking place. I am issuing daily press reports on the developments in the Olympiad. Here are my daily press reports so far:
![]() Dr. Andrzej Filipowicz was the Chief Arbiter for the Kasparov-Kramnik World Championship match |
I will be away from the USA from October 28 until November 12, 2000. While I am gone, you will probably not be able to contact me at my regular e-mail address, so please write to me at samhsloan@yahoo.com or at samhsloan@aol.com.
We are going public! We will be offering an IPO of 500,000 shares of stock at $10 per share. Our offering is not out yet, but now you can read letters we have received from various state regulators concerning securities offerings on the Internet. We recommend that you read these letters, so as to be able to make an informed decision as to whether to buy our stock The letters are from Alabama, Alaska, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota and Tennessee.
Sophio Soziashvili, chess expert
The USCF Shows YOU how to improve your chess.
Larry Parr Joins Call to Tim Redman to Resign
Why does Jim Pechac, USCF Treasurer, refuse to provide Consolidated Financial Statements?
Transcripts of the May 21, 2000 meeting
Are the USCF's accountants qualified?
Sloan Soft on Ilyumzhinov? by Larry Parr
Tom Dorsch continues to attack Sam Sloan.
Website of the 2000 World Chess Championship
Philippine Chess Federation protests to FIDE
Barbara DeMaro has been fired.
Carol Jarecki resigns from USCF Rulebook Committee
About the New Chess Rating System.
Here is: The Story of Oscar Ernesto Lopez.
As Helen Warren prepares to ascend to power in the United States Chess Federation, here is a photo of one of her supporters. UPDATE: Helen Warren has failed in her bid to become USCF President, but her political ally, Tim Redman, was elected instead.
WARNING: The USCF is Radiating software into Your Hard Drive!
Habu's Brain makes Chess Life magazine.
Open Letter of FIDE Executive Director Omuku to GM Seirawan.
Rusudan Goletiani: Fantastic Result in New York Super Summer Action Open
Rusudan Goletiani, World Under-18 Chess Champion for Girls
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Yasser Seirawan calls on FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Resign
FIDE Verification Commission Report - Draft
The Easy Road to Chess Mastery Down Under
Ishi Press and the USCF Rulebook
Caveman (Kevin Bachler) and the USCF Gang-of-Four.
Should the USCF be run like a Business?
The Real Net Worth of the USCF
Did Grischuk dump his last round game against Smirin at the New York Open?
Yasser Seirawan interviewed on Club Kasparov.
Zsuzsa Polgar wins New York City Blitz Championship.
USCF Position on FIDE Commerce.
World Chess Championship finals to be held in Iran!!!
Ilya Smirin Wins 2000 New York Open Chess Championship.
US Chess Championship to be Held in Seattle in October.
Jim Eade is the new FIDE Zone President for the USA Zone.
Dullea wins money judgment in court battle against the USCF.
What is the Logic to holding the Shogi World Championship in Armonk?.
The New York Open Chess Championship starts
Hikaru Nakamura, age 12, scores sensational draw on Board One of New York Open Chess Championship.
Hikaru Nakamura wins National Elementary Championship.
No Losing Chances Rule at the New York Open.
USCF Executive Board blocks efforts to hold US Chess Championship.
Why can't Mig learn anything about chess?
FOLLOWUP: World Championship Company started with "borrowed" money.
Ray Keene responds to accusations by David Levy.
Levy Responds to the Response of Keene.
Braingames Network (BGN) announces Kasparov World Chess Championship match.
Have you read ClubKasparov.com ?
Yasser Seirawan expresses his view on this in Inside Chess.
Manhattan Chess Club survives!!!
Has Chess really been recognized as an Olympic Sport?
Chess and the Olympics, by Jim Perry.
Whitaker tried to win the Nobel Prize!
Svetozar Jovanovic: Scholastic Chess Coach, Trainer and Organizer.
Sleazy Al Lawrence Steals Money from Bombed-Out Yugoslavs.
The Chess World has been waiting for this and now it is out: CommuniquEof the Presidential Board meeting in Morocco.
Would Goichberg and the real chess players be better off leaving the federation?
Here is the Deposition of Richard Peterson, a scholastic chess organizer, in his litigation with the USCF.
The new Tiger Chess site (formerly Chess Planet)
New Scandals have broken out in the World of Chess, the most important of which is an effort by the Russian Mafia to take control of the World Chess Federation at a meeting scheduled for next week in Morocco.
Here are reports on these new scandals:
Everybody knew him and had a story about him. Here is My Koltanowski Story.
Just prior to New Year's Day, FIDE paid the remaining unpaid players from the FIDE World Chess Championship, thereby keeping a promise that they would be paid before the end of the year.
With the new year of 1/1/1900 just around the corner, here are some more scandals in the world of chess:
Tom Dorsch thinks that I caused him to lose the election and, because of that, now he attacks me several times every day. Here is Tom's attack for today: Sam's bid to hold the Chess Olympics in San Francisco.
Controversy has erupted in the Kasparov vs. Rest of the World match.
El Pias newspaper reports that 12 players in the FIDE World Championship still have not been paid.
Club Kasparov evaluates frequent posters in the chess newsgroups (including Sam Sloan).
Hu Long Hua, the Bobby Fischer of Chinese chess, meets a real tiger
The most notorious International Chess Master in history was probably Norman Tweed Whitaker. Here is More about Norman T. Whitaker. Larry Parr tells us about FBI Files on Norman T. Whitaker.
Congratulations Tom Dorsch (USCF Executive Director Mike Cavallo has resigned).
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Judit Polgar, at long, long last, finally has a boyfriend.
The Bouncing Checks from Las Vegas reminds almost everybody of the Chess Scandal in Mazatlan.
Kasparov - Anand match for the World Chess Championship will not be held this year.
Here are individual photographs of 73 of the players who competed in the FIDE World Championship in Las Vegas: Warning: These photographs altogether come to more than 800K so if you are short on memory, do not come here.
More about the Flea House, by Lonnie Kwartler.
Khalifman wins World Chess Championship.
Alexei Shirov's gambling style fails him in the long run.
Xie Jun defeats Galliamova in match for Woman's World Chess Championship.
![]() Photo by Grandmaster Amador Rodriguez |
Still Even More Proof that Girls Can't Play Chess.
FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov takes the Hard Line.
Emmanuel Omuku, Executive Director of FIDE.
Combined rating lists for July, 1999.
FIDE Online - New FIDE website!!.
Chess Graphics, a collection devoted to all aspects of chess graphics.
Hnefatafl - the strategic board game of the Vikings.
Marina Makarytcheva - NTV-Plus Sport from Russia.
CHESSDON by Don Schultz is out.
Hikaru Nakamura, age 11, defeats Grandmaster Alejandro Hoffman in US Open.
Karen Birkedahl, 17, Sensation of the 1999 US Open Chess Championship.
Khalifman wins first game of World Chess Championship match.
Khalifman and Akopian draw game two of World Chess Championship match
Akopian wins fantastic endgame against Khalifman in game 3.
Khalifman wins game 4 of World Chess Championship match.
Khalifman holds draw in game 5 in another long endgame.
Grandmaster Becerra of Cuba defects.
Yermolinsky wins 1999 US Open Chess Championship in Reno, Nevada.
Ken Horne, Las Vegas chess organizer, dies in Airplane Crash.
Votes for and against OMOV at the 1999 Reno USCF meeting.
Zaremba and Winer win Denker Tournament of High School Champions.
Gufeld's Greatest Games from the 1999 US Open Chess Championship.
The Match of Kasparov vs. the Rest of the World has turned out to be an exciting game.
More on the USCF Election:
The Election Campaign is Underway for Executive Board of the United States Chess Federation:
Here is An International Chess Master's Views on the Bombing of Belgrade.
Here are planks to my platform:
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Fan Adams dies, Founder and President of Chess-in-the-Schools.
Maurice Ashley makes The New York Times.
The United States Chess Federation has 85,000 members, but only 453 of them are allowed to vote. These "voting members" theoretically represent the chess players of their state, but in reality many of them only represent themselves.
Here is a List of Voting Members and Delegates of the United States Chess Federation, in order of name and the same list, sorted by state.
Zsuzsa Polgar, Woman's World Chess Champion, gives birth to child.
Anatoly Karpov threatens again to sue FIDE.
Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship and Did Cray Blitz really have a win?
Here is More about Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship and Robert Hyatt responds to: "More about Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship".
Bragging Rights - My son defeated International Master Jay Bonin.
Here is the Federal Grand Jury Indictment of Bobby Fischer and the Federal Warrant for the Arrest of Bobby Fischer.
FIDE News from Executive Director Omuku .
Dracula Returns with a Scandal in Romanian chess.
International Chess Master Sofia Polgar marries Grandmaster Yona Kosashvili.
After 27 years of giving almost no interviews with the press, World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer has been interviewed on the radio four times. Here are three of those interviews!
The most important new chess resource now available is the new chesslab online search of two million chess games. The address is: http://www.chesslab.com/PositionSearch.html.
The list of Top players for both FIDE and the World Chess Council are now out.
The January, 1999 rating list of the World Chess Council is out. The official FIDE "World Champion", Anatoly Karpov, has fallen to 15 on the list. Here is the list in alphabetical order and in order of rating.
Woman's Chess in the Republic of Georgia
Our favorite chess-girl, Irina Krush, aged 14, has just won the United States Woman's Chess Championship with the fantastic score of 8 1/2 - 1/2. Irina would have been a contender for the World Championship for her age group but, due to a nefarious scheme to prevent her from winning both titles, both the US Woman's Championship and the World Youth Championships in Marina d'Or, Spain were scheduled for the same dates.
The World Youth Championships were held in Marina d'Or, Spain from October 25 until November 7, 1998.
Laura Ross, aged 9, our other favorite chess-girl, finished 8th in the world championship for her age group.
It is important to monitor such events because invariably the top finishers almost all will become grandmasters and a few will someday contest the world title. The next world champion in the post-Kasparov era will probably be one of the kids at Marina d'Or, Spain.
Here are the results of the 1998 World Youth Championships in Marina d'Or, Spain.
Altogether, there were 876 players in the ten sections combined. Here is the complete list of winners: 1998 World Youth Championship Results from Marina d'Or, Spain.
Here are the last round results and complete final standings in each of the ten sections:
There were numerous web sites covering the Chess Olympiad. The best, quickest and most complete results are available from Iceland! However, only a few games were available, because FIDE wants to sell the games! Here are links:
Chess Grandmaster Balinas Has Died.
Tom Klem Has Been Excommunicated from Stan Vaughan's Nevada Chess Group
The Challenger's match for the Woman's World Chess Championship has ended in scandal. Here is: Xie-Galliamova: From Beginning to End, by Sun Lianzhi and Chess in China - Awakening of a Dragon, by Ignatius Leong, International Arbiter.
List of All Chess Players with the Grandmaster Title
From Russia With Love: A Criminal Map of Russia, by Alexey Chelnokov.
Here are chess sites on the web:
The World Top Ranking lists are now available. Here is:
Here is a: Love Letter from Don Schultz to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
Here is a report from "The Economist" in London about the President of the World Chess Federation: Russia's regions. Naughty little tsars.
The semi-annual World Chess Rating Lists have just been released by both FIDE and the WCC. I have combined both lists into one so it is possible to compare. This table enables comparison between the official FIDE Rating list and the WCC list (formerly known as the PCA list) developed by Ken Thompson. For example, Anatoly Karpov is ranked number 5 and is rated 2725 on the FIDE list but is ranked only number 8 and rated only 2687 on the WCC list.
Steve Doyle and Tim Redman are going to Elista to Meet Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
Here are two articles about this: The Great Whitewash, by Larry Parr and The United States and FIDE, by Larry Parr.
Here is an article from The Times about the World Chess Federation President: Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, The President who Pawned His People.
The United States Chess Federation has spent more than $100,000 in legal fees fighting the myriad of lawsuits brought by Stan Vaughan. Here is: Stan Vaughan's Latest Lawsuit and Tom Klem Excommunicated from Stan Vaughan's Nevada Chess Group
When Florencio Campomanes was President of the World Chess Federation, he failed to realize that sometimes it is necessary to kill people to make sure they keep playing chess. His successor does not suffer from this deficiency. Here is the latest news:
Regarding Governance and The United States Chess Federation .
Here is news about the Cybersex Chess Torture Trial:
According to Melbourne's Herald Sun of 1 April, a Chess Player claims he lost the State championship because his opponent's breasts got in the way.
Last month, readers of this web site learned that Hikaru Nakamura had made history by becoming the youngest US chess master ever at age 10. However, readers of The New York Times are only learning this today. Here is: Hikaru Nakamura makes The New York Times.
Another conspiracy theory: Famous Fixed Games of Chess - Keres vs. Botvinnik - World Championship 1948.
I always like to show photos of beautiful young girls, and here is the best yet: Laura Ross, America's Number One Rated Chess Player (for her age) .
Armenians Sweep 1998 New York Open Chess Tournament .
Results of the 1998 New York City Blitz Chess Championship .
Hikaru Nakamura makes master at 10 years, 2 months .
Hikaru Nakamura leads New York Open under-2200 section .
The strongest chess tournament in history has now ended. Anand won first prize. Here are: My Reports on Linares 1998.
One of the best games at Linares was: Ivanchuk - Anand from Round 12.
Here are photos I just received of Future Grandmaster Danny Rohde with my daughter Jessica Sloan and Brenda Goichberg with Danny Rohde and Jessica Sloan.
Here is: The Case of James T. Sherwin, International Chess Master and Convicted Stock Market Manipulator. Here is: More about James T. Sherwin, Convicted Stock Market Manipulator.
Here is: The Threatening Lettter to Bobby Fischer: Why Federal Office Buildings are Being Blown Up.
Here is: The Outrageous Letter which made Bobby Fischer an International Fugitive from Justice. I believe that the author of this letter, R. Richard Newcomb, should be criminally prosecuted for making these threats which are utterly without basis in law.
Here is commentary on a question which has been posted about Where is Bobby Fischer?
My first and perhaps greatest success at stirring up trouble on the Internet in the world of chess came on April 2, 1995, when I posted a commentary on a list of African-American chessplayers compiled by Jerome Bibuld, which I dubbed "Bibuld's Blacklist". My comments elicited 76 direct responses. Since I have nothing else to do today, I have compiled the most interesting responses concerning: Bibuld's Blacklist.
Here is an old problem I found: Mate in 131 Moves!.
One of the strongest chess tournaments ever has just concluded at Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands. The winners are Kramnik and Anand. Here is: My Final Report.
Here is: My Report on the Last Round of Play.
"FIDE World Champion" Anatoly Karpov was in next-to-last place, until he finally won a game (he beat up a little girl) and finished with an even score. Here are the Results through the final round, February 1, 1998.
In Round 6, Anand was Defeated by a 21-year-old Girl.
"World Champion" Karpov, in next-to-last place, appears to have blundered. However, he was lost anyway against Topalov in Round 9.
Beauty Queen of the Teenybopper Chess Grandmaster World Tour is Antoaneta Stefanova, World's Number One Girl Chessplayer, of Bulgaria.
The World Chess Ranking Lists are now out. Here is:
Here is an Obituary of Mona May Karff , who died on January 10, 1998.
Here are all the games of the recently concluded Karpov - Anand match for the World Chess Championship, in PGN format: All 8 Games from the Karpov - Anand Match.
Many readers (some of whom do not even know how to play chess) have asked how to use their computer to play over the numerous chess games I have posted on my web site. Here is: How to Play over the Chess Games Posted on the Web (This might also be helpful in teaching your child how to play.)
Disaster has Struck!: Karpov has defeated Anand in two blitz games to retain FIDE World Championship.
Here is commentary: The Road to the World Chess Championship: Karpov's Path to HIS Glorious Victory .
Here is my chart showing all seven rounds of the 1997 FIDE World Chess Championship Candidate's tournament, won by Anand: The FIDE World Chess Championship Candidate's Tournament Chart. Here is another chart of the same event: The FIDE World Chess Championship. Here is my chart showing the results of the final four rounds of the 1997 FIDE World Chess Championship tournament: The FIDE World Chess Championship.
Anand Smashed Karpov in Game Six to put World Chess Championship match into playoffs. Click for Game Six. Karpov led the World Chess Championship match by 3-2, with only one game remaining. Anand, as Black in Game 5, tried hard to defeat Karpov and could have lost. Click for Game Five . Here is depressing news, as Anand lost game four to Karpov in a game which appeared to be headed for a draw. I am not sure where Anand went wrong. Click for Game Four. Anand evened the World Chess Championship match by crushing Karpov in Game Two.Click for Game Two. Game Three was a dull draw. Click for Game Three. Karpov defeated Anand in Game One of the match: Click for Game One.
Here is my report about: Woman's World Championship Competition Tainted by Favoritism by FIDE
I have written and posted numerous articles about chess. As my main home page has become too large and unwieldy, I am transferring them all here.
Here is: Stan Vaughan's Complaint to the Chess Ethics Committee and here is: Sunil Weeramantry's Letter to the Scholastic Chess Liaison. Here is: Stan Vaughan accepts apology and withdraws ethics complaint. Here are Troubles in the World of Chinese Chess .
Unfortunately, women often cry sexual discrimination at times when their real intent is to attack other women. Here is Professor Elo's Notorious Report regarding 100 free chess rating points for women. Here is the Explanation by Don Schultz for the 100 free points.
For the quickest and easiest way to get a FIDE rating and become an international chess master, visit beautiful Budapest, home of that famous fugitive chess player, Booby the Fish, and play in the First Saturday tournaments. Here's how: The First Saturday of the Month International Chess Tournaments. (By the way, you will need to win a few games of chess, too.)
Here is question about chess politics: Can there Now Be a Recall?. Here is a reading comprehension test for chess-playing kids, pertaining to the above article: Reading Comprehension Test for Chess Kids. Here is the Answer key, as provided by Woodrow Harris .
One of the many Dirty Tricks which took place in connection with the 1996 campaign for USCF President was that Woodrow Harris, former Secretary of the United States Chess Federation and an old crony of my election opponent, Dirty Don Schultz, made a complaint to the Department of Social Services about my daughter just at the conclusion of the election campaign. Here is the Letter Acknowledging Complaint by Woodrow Harris to the DSS .
I was a candidate for election to the Policy Board of the United States Chess Federation. Here are my campaign statements: Opening Statement , Candidate's Statement for USCF Policy Board, Why Vote for Sam Sloan?, Reform Needed in World Chess, Reform Needed in Scholastic Chess and Positions of the Contenders for USCF Policy Board.
The election was won by Garrett Scott, a previous unknown. Here are my post-election reports: Garrett Scott Wins USCF Election , The Emperor Strikes Back , A Cruel Hoax -- US Chess Politicians "Reform" by Perpetuating Their Own Power. Here is the letter by Fanueil Adams: The Adams Letter and the reply by Dorsch: Dorsch answers . For a related article by Jim Eade, see: "Our Animal Friends" .
In the New York Open Chess Championship, a nine year old boy won a prize of $8,000. Here is my report of that event: Krasenkow and Bologan Win New York Open . Here are the results of the New York City Blitz Chess Championship Four Grandmasters Tie for New York City Blitz Championship .
Miguel Najdorf, one of the most creative and interesting grandmasters of chess, died in Spain on July 4, 1997. Here is an Obituary of chess grandmaster Miguel Najdorf .
I am proud to be able to say that I once defeated Grandmaster Najdorf in a game of five minute chess. (On the other hand, I lost many, many games to Najdorf.) Here is the story of that game: One Evening at the Flea House .
For a look at the actual flea house, see: I Never Could Understand Why They Called it the Flea House .
CHESS NEWS: Irina Krushed by Martha , Izumikawa Wins Northern California State Championship , USCF Web Site Getting Even Worse , Michael Cavallo is new Executive Director of US Chess, The exclusive Interplay Productions contract, Giving Away the USCF Web Site , Possible Candidates for USCF Election , Blackstone Announces Candidacy for USCF Election , USCF Owes $235,000 for Chess Informants, Don Schultz Takes Personal Control of United States Chess Federation and John Donaldson Gives Talk on 1996 World Chess Olympiad in Armenia .
In 1985, I wrote a pamphlet entitled "The Origin of Chess". This pamphlet proved that chess was not invented in India, as is commonly believed, and that chess was most likely invented in China.
The most important element in this proof is that Indian Sanskrit scholars state categorically that there is no reference to chess in early Indian literature, whereas H.J.R. Murray had based his claim that chess was invented in India entirely on citations to these Sanskrit works.
No new sources have emerged since 1985. Here is my pamphlet entitled The Origin of Chess .
In 1988, I attended the World Chess Olympiad in Salonika, Greece as an accredited journalist. I wrote numerous articles intended for publication. I did not become aware until one month after the Olympiad was over that Dawn of Leisure Linc had banned my articles from that network and that, as a result, none of my articles had appeared. No explanation has ever been given for this. Had this not occurred, I would have been the first to report the sensational defection of Soviet No. 2 woman player Elena Akhmilovskaya, an item which made the world news, not just the chess news.
Here are some of the articles I wrote and transmitted to Leisure Linc which never appeared. And I ask, was Dawn justified in banning these materials from the chess news wires?: FIDE Congress Meets in Salonika , Debates at Meetings of World Chess Federation , Polgar Sisters Defeat Soviets in World Chess Olympiad , American Women Score Upset Draw Against USSR , World Chess Federation Election Campaign for 1990 Underway , Reactions to Soviet Defection Mixed , Schultz Denies Involvement in Effort to Bring Back Wayward Soviet Girl , Mike the Scrabble Player Wins Bronze Medal at World Chess Olympiad and Anti-Israel Boycott at World Chess Olympiad .
In 1996, I ran for President of the United States Chess Federation. I was defeated by a vote of 309 delegates to 30, with 34 protest or write-in votes. For my campaign literature, see: Sam Sloan for President of the United States Chess Federation!!, and Don Schultz Doesn't Need Enemies . For comments about hit mail, see: Hit Mailings in USCF Election Campaigns. For comments about election fraud, see: Election Fraud and Donald D. Schultz. For the suit by Don Schultz against journalist Larry Evans, see: The Presidential Suit . For an article by Larry Parr, see: The New Don Schultz . For an article by Ricardo Calvo, see: One Bridge Too Far .
For the report of Ignatius Leong, the Former Administrative Manager of the World Chess Federation, see: Yerevan and After - The FIDE Crisis . Here is a photo of Ignatius Leong.
I am creating a very large database of chess games. I want all games. Everyone is requested to please send me your private collections of chess games. All reasonable games accepted. Please send them by e-mail or on computer disk. Preferred formats are PGN, Chess Assistant or ChessBase.
My mailing address is: Sam Sloan, 461 Peachstone Terrace, San Rafael CA 94903, USA.
My e-mail address is : Sloan@ishipress.com
I have written articles about chess. Here are a few of them: Gabriel Schwartzman wins US Open Chess Championship, 1996 World Open Results , History of Chess in Virginia , Traveling with the Polgars , Victory by the Polgar Sisters in the 1988 World Chess Olympiad , What we don't know about Botvinnik, but would like to learn , Roy Hoppe Wins B Prize in World Open , The Old Clipping from the Washington Post in 1956 , News Coverage of the Pan Pacific International , Arthur Dake's Complete Chess Career , The Chess Rating System , Has Anybody Seen Danny Swomenen?? , The Case of the Toilet Stuffer , Norman T. Whitaker and Norman Tweed Whitaker , Mir Sultan Khan and Fischer Announces New Rules of Chess . Here is the article in which I exposed the world chess championship hoax. (As I predicted, the "match" collapsed three months later): A Possible Hoax in Montreal . For my articles regarding International Chess Master Raymond Weinstein, who had been missing for 30 years, see: Searching for Raymond Weinstein and How I Found Raymond Weinstein .
I am presently rated 2104 by the United States Chess Federation. Here are some of my best games. All are wins against internationally titled players: Sam's Greatest Games of Chess . Here are games I played with my opening specialty, 1.g4: White to Play and Win by Force .
The 1997 Chess Oscars were recently won by Bobby Fischer, Pal Benko, Anatoly Karpov, Zsuzsa Polgar and Judit Polgar. Here is a photo article about that (in Hungarian). Fischer, Benko and Judit Polgar win Chess Oscar .
Here are some of the exciting developments in the Garry Kasparov - Deep Blue, Man vs. Computer chess match:
Kasparov Demands Deep Blue Printouts Be Sealed.
Susan Polgar and the Kasparov - Deep Blue Chess Match.
Here is Polgar's Reply to the Attack on her by Don Schultz .
Book Review: Polgar Book Just Out .
Zsuzsa Polgar, the Woman's World Chess Champion, was required to pay an admission fee of $25 to get in to watch the Kasparov - Deep Blue, Man vs. Computer, Chess Match. see: Polgar Must Pay .
For Zsuzsa Polgar's comments on the match, as quoted in The New York Times, see: Computer Defeats Kasparov, Stunning the Chess Experts . See also, Flawed Strategy vs. Fierce Resistance, by Robert Byrne.
Here are all the games in the Deep Blue - Kasparov match .
Here are some links to other chess sites: Chess Links
Here are some media commentaries on the Kasparov - Deep Blue chess match: